The book of Job makes interesting reading, with a dramatic and very sad beginning, but a glorious ending. At least for Job who lived to see the fourth generation of his descendants. What a privilege! It also has some amazing descriptions of the creation God made, that are beautifully poetic.

How many of us, when listening to the news, are sickened to hear of companies which have made fortunes, while there are people living in our neighbourhoods who do not have enough to eat? We will never know how much of those fortunes were gained because of a lying tongue!

God had a plan for each one of the sons of Jacob, also called Israel. And He has a plan for each of us and each of our children. Through the years of separation, Joseph had not forgotten his brothers, especially Benjamin. This story ends with a great family reunion.

Maybe we need some bolder pastors and preachers! The fact is that we cannot just be Christians for Sundays. Being a follower of Jesus means living life as He did. It means speaking His truth, and knowing Father God hears every word we say, (even before we have said it!!)

Being part of a family means contributing to family life, and maturing as we practice patience, and learn how to encourage and how to forgive. The disciples did not go from temple to temple listening to other teachers. They had found Jesus. He taught the TRUTH and they followed Him.

The answer to our lack of understanding is Jesus! Spending time with Him will help bring clarification. There will always be things that we do not understand, truths that we cannot get hold of this side of Heaven. But chatting to Jesus, the King of Heaven can help a lot.