This post is Day 1 in a series of studies about “Grace”.

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Grace – Day 1

2 Corinthians 13:14

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

The Thought

Much of The Bible speaks of God’s grace and favour. The Hebrew word “henl” is translated 41 times as favour and 5 times as grace. Whilst in Greek the word “charis”, from which we get the words “charisma” and “charismatic” is translated 119 times as grace and 6 times as favour.

For those who like definitions I have heard the following:-

  • Grace = God not giving us what we deserve.
  • Favour = God giving us what we don’t deserve.

The whole Bible from the account of the earth’s beginning, through to the last book of Revelation is the story of God showing amazing grace and favour to the earth’s wayward inhabitants.

There were several pagan temples in the wealthy city of Corinth. Sadly, some of the practices and theology of these temples had infiltrated the churches Paul had planted. The three chapters preceding today’s verse are a rebuke of the leaders who were critical of Paul and were not following his guidelines!

The verse quoted above is used in many church services in many languages across the denominations as a blessing at the end of a meeting or church service.

As we will see later in this study, Paul has much to say about grace in each of his letters. This prayer is his way of signing off the last message he wrote to the Corinthian church.

We can wish nothing better for those we love and care for.


Pray it today for your friends and family, as well as for your church leaders.

Read the short chapter 13 of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians. Let it challenge you to think about those who minister to you. Pray that they will lift you up, and not knock you down.

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