The Godhead is still waiting for more unity between believers on the earth. But thankfully things are much better than they used to be. Many people are visiting other churches, or watching on line. There is much more tolerance than there was when I was young in the last century!
Sometimes, the words of Peter could be taken for the words of Paul. So often they are saying similar things. Peter, although, not an educated man who had studied the Old Testament scriptures as Paul had, says what he says or what he writes, just as directly as Paul does.
Paul travelled many miles to fulfill his mission, and wherever he went he created teams of others to do the same thing. Paul left Titus in charge of a new church in Crete. All our churches should be creating new groups, but this verse does not finish there, it continues.
The followers of Jesus should carry the same character as He does. We should all be trustworthy, and full of grace. Most of us are on the road towards that goal, but have not got there yet. We must be patient with each other as we travel with fellow believers.
We live in a world that seems to be in the hands of the enemy. At least that is what seems to be happening if we watch the news. But a glance at Christian media will tell us that people are turning more and more to the Lord for solutions.
David knew The Lord much better than many believers today, and in his psalms we read many questions and answers which are profound, as though the writer walked with Jesus in the valley of the shadow of death. I believe he did, and many other Old Testament prophets did too.
I take verses at random from my concordance. And I pray for inspiration with each one. Maybe God is trying to stress something here. All that we hear in our day cannot be trusted. We all know that in our hearts, and need inspiration about what we pay attention to.
These verses from Paul remind us of what we read yesterday. Both writers are keen to see their readers knowing the whole truth, and learning to recognise the work of the enemy in the midst of the people of God. Sadly, that is where the enemy can often be found.
It is so important to be in a prayer group or church group where people are accountable one to another. One where there are trusted leaders who are ready to address wrong ideas and wrong behaviour quickly and discretely to set those who wander off back on the right track.
Many of us discovered at an early age in school, or even at home that there are people who will call us names that are not complimentary if we tell the truth of what we witnessed in certain situations. More than that, they may well be ready for a fight!