This post is the first in a series of studies about “Psalms 146-150”.

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Psalms 146-150 – Day 1

Psalm 146:1

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, my soul.

The Thought

The 5 psalms that close the book of psalms in our Bibles are all songs of praise, each with a different theme. The psalmist, here, is speaking to himself, commanding his own soul to praise God. Thinking about that can make all of us realise that a lot of the time when we sing or speak out praises to Father God or to Jesus, we do it without concentrating too much on what we are saying.

How often do we sing great songs that we like a lot, in church, or at home, throughout the day, without really thinking about the words? In this short verse the psalmist is speaking to his own soul giving it orders to lift the focus. At the same time he is encouraging all of us to sing from our hearts.

It is far too easy to get depressed in our world today, but it was in David’s day too, and his antidote to depression or worry was to focus his mind and consequently his soul on the higher authority who saw everything, and had the answer to every problem the psalmist might ever face, whether that be a lion or a bear stealing the sheep (1 Samuel 17:34-35), a giant ready to fight (1 Samuel 17:4), or a crazy king (1 Samuel 18:10-11)!


Think today about some of the problems you have had to face in life and give God the glory for getting you through those things. Looking back can often help us to face whatever is coming next. Remember that Jesus never promised us an easy life, but He did promise that Holy Spirit would be with us through it all (John 14).

Read that chapter today and spend some time singing praises because Holy Spirit is with you.

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