This post is Day 1 in a series of studies about “Wisdom (Proverbs 8)”.
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The Soul and the Spirit – Day 1
Proverbs 8:1
Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice?
The Thought
As we listen to political discussions, many of us could be echoing this question today. In fact, many people are asking if there is any wise leadership in the world. It seems that many political leaders look after their own interests, rather than that of the people they represent.
In Paul’s letter to his young pastor friend Timothy, he gives a list of who Timothy’s church should be praying for. At the top of this list is kings and all those in authority, then Paul gives the reason:- It pleases The Lord, and if we pray for those in authority, then we can live in peace to do what God is calling us to do (1 Timothy 2:1-3).
Pleasing The Lord should be one of our aims as believers, there are other things in our scriptures that let us know what pleases Jesus. Look for some of those as we go through this chapter on Wisdom this month. Earlier in Proverbs, we are given a specific order:- Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear The Lord and shun evil (Proverbs 3:7).
Our own wisdom can lead us down tracks that go nowhere!
Pray for the leaders of our world today that they would honour God and seek His wisdom in every situation, taking extremely seriously the position they find themselves in.
Pray for yourself, that you will understand more of what God means by “wisdom” as we go through this study together. Ask God to show you if you are involved with anything that is not of Him, and pray that He will give you His wisdom every time you need it.
Read 1 Timothy 2 for the good advice that Paul gave to pastor Timothy.
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