This post is the first in a series of studies about “Haggai”.

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Haggai – Day 1

Haggai 1

The Thought

In my Bible, this chapter is titled A Call to Build the House of the Lord.

That title attracted me, because we are all called to “Build the House of the Lord”: a spiritual one inside our hearts. The book of Acts reminds us that The Most High, does not live in houses made by human hands (Acts 7:48 & Acts 17:24). He is far too big for that!

Making space for Jesus in our hearts is different for each of us. Many of us will already have taken that step of asking Jesus to come in and take over our lives. But giving ALL of ourselves to Him can be a challenge.

Imagine that you had a visitor to stay and showed them the guest room which would be theirs for the duration of their stay. How upset would you be if one day you found that visitor in another part of the building:- the attic where you keep old family treasures? Or the basement where you have a private stock of good quality wine? (Remember that I live in France!)

We all have places we just don’t really want to show to visitors, often because of untidiness, or the dust that has gathered there! (Of course we have the intention of clearing that space one day!) But often the reason is because the less others know about a past life, or a private life today, the better!

Maybe there is nothing to hide, but nothing in the attic or the cellar of your life is very organised, and that would be embarrassing!


Haggai reprimanded the Jews of his time because they had spent much on their own property, but given little to The Lord.

Read through the short book of Haggai today and as you do, relate it to your own personal life, both past and present.

Pray that God will inspire your prayers as we go through these 2 chapters of Haggai together.

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