Most of us can think of situations where someone has said If you loved me you would…! This is not love, it is manipulation and is birthed of the devil. If we love someone it should be evident in our mannerisms, in our eyes, in our attitudes, in our actions.
The Bible tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We must learn to think the way God thinks. But His thoughts are higher than ours. If we act like Jesus and do only what we see the Father doing, then we will do what is right.
This verse for today is taken from the sermon on the mount where Jesus gave a list of people who are blessed, because of what they do. The suggestion of these verses is that each of the qualities mentioned represents one of the characteristics of God Himself and His children.
If you have felt that the Christian life is boring or uninteresting, then meditate on being the favourite son of the Perfect Father. Climb on His knee today, put your head on His chest and listen to His heart beat. Rejoice today as you meditate on His love for you.
Today we look at another verse which can confirm that you are a child of the Lord. You are His plan. God has a place and a purpose for you in His larger plan for mankind. God did not just allow us to be born. He created us for Himself.
The Lord is telling us that we can move out of our physical family tree and into His. Think of what that means. No more inherited diseases! Just because your earthly parent had a particular character trait does not mean you have to. You can inherit the character of God.
What does it mean to be a child of God? According to this verse Father God has given all of us, as believers, the RIGHT to become His children. That means their must be another step in intimacy with Him, that many of us have not yet taken or experienced.
If you come from a normal family, you cannot imagine that a mother would ever forget her baby. But if you are one who was adopted or fostered, or abandoned, then this verse is for you. If you have ever felt abandoned by God, then this verse is for you.
We live in the age of internet when many people are being reunited with lost loved ones, parents, children, brothers, sisters, old friends. But sadly in our day, in the western world, and also in the church, more and more families are being broken. What a world we live in!
If I had been writing the Old Testament, I would not have finished like that! Would you? Is it a warning to the fathers, to the children, or to Elijah? What could the curse be? Ask yourself at the beginning of this study if your heart is totally for God.