There are many people the world over who do not go to church, but have a very close friendship with Jesus and are inviting others to share that relationship. Many across the world know the Grace of God in their lives and are living examples of His love.
In Old Testament times people went to the priest for healing, not the doctor as we do today. The Old Testament book of Leviticus is full of advice for the priests about how to pray for different diseases, and the actions to be taken by the one who is suffering.
Jesus paid the price so that we could have the same relationship with Father God that He had. The veil that had kept the Jewish nation from getting near to God in both a physical and spiritual sense was torn from top to bottom at the moment of His death.
The New Testament authors often refer back to the Old Testament, and nothing Biblical written around or after the time of Christ nullifies what was written before. Jesus often challenged His listeners to remember what Moses said. He was chosen by God to lead His people out of slavery.
In a very short time, the disciples had gone from being followers who seemed to understand very little, to apostles who fulfilled their mandate and represented Jesus on the earth. They are our example! This verse tells us that the Grace of God was working through each one of them.
Jesus told His followers that very little of what He did came from Himself. He could only do what He saw His Father doing. In fact Jesus assured His disciples that He did not do anything of Himself, it was the Father living in Him that was doing the work.
What is the Spirit of Grace and Supplication to be poured out on the people of Jerusalem that Zechariah hears about? The verses following are a prophecy about Jesus, The One they have pierced. So we can suppose that Jesus is the personification of that Spirit of Grace and supplication.
John is describing all that Jesus accomplished on the cross for each one of us. He is telling us that there is no limit to what Jesus has given us. For many of us there is a moment of conversion when we suddenly understand who Jesus is and why He died.
Many non-believers across the world know the story of Noah and how he built a boat to save his family and the animal kingdom. The ark Noah built was the size of a large football / soccer pitch. What a challenge that must have been without any modern equipment.
Much of The Bible speaks of grace and favour. The Hebrew word henl is translated 41 times as favour and 5 times as grace. Whilst in Greek the word charis, from which we get the words charisma and charismatic is translated 119 times as grace and 6 times as favour.