The captain of the ship found Jonah asleep and woke him with a request to call on his God for safety! This prophet must have been frustrated with that request! The very thing he did not want to do was talk to God. But he obviously followed the captain upstairs.

Having achieved the first part of his project, relief helped Jonah to sleep! Running away from God can be a tiring thing to do! Where was Jonah hoping to run to? He knew without a doubt that God could see him wherever he went, that there was nowhere to hide!

God uses storms for His purposes. In this case He used it to reveal Himself to the sailors. Each of them called on his own god, who did nothing. That was because Almighty God was in charge of this situation, and nothing could, or ever can, get in His way.

Many today act as though God lives in church buildings, and only there. They act religiously when they are in churches or cathedrals, and then do what they like elsewhere. We must remember that God sees and hears EVERYTHING that goes on. He is the ALL seeing, ALL hearing God.

The short letter from Jude has been a reminder of all that God is, who Jesus was, and what this Sovereign being expects from His earthly followers. Read the entire letter today (it is only 25 verses long). Remind yourself again that this is a message for you.

Many of us have had bad experiences of trying to help others into the Kingdom. They have taken our time, our efforts and often our money, but never taken to heart what we were saying about Jesus. The enemy loves to trick us into thinking that we should help everybody.

This verse, suggests many will still be undecided about Jesus up to the moment of death. (Most of us know that to be true.) But that is OK. It is obviously better to get to know Jesus early on in life, but last minute is better than missing Heaven completely.