At first glance this comparison of forgetting what we look like seems crazy! Who could possibly forget what they themselves look like? That is the point James is making here. It is really about the difference between hearing and listening! Do we always remember what we read in the Bible?
Few of us would think that we follow other gods and worship and bow down to them. But what we are doing in ignoring the Lord, or leaving Him out of our lives is submitting to our own intelligence. We are making ourselves lord of our lives instead of Him.
Moses recognised when God revealed Himself in the burning bush that he would have a huge responsibility, a long journey, which would not always be easy. There certainly were a few difficulties along the way. But Moses made it to the end, he saw the promised land in the distance.
Who is there amongst us that has not felt this sentiment. Whenever we have problems we tend to think that God has turned His back on us. It is encouraging to read that the psalmist felt the same occasionally! Thank God that He has a plan for your life too.
Paul, in his short letter to the Philippians, is assuring his readers that no matter how far we have travelled with the Lord, or how long we have known Him, or how deep and sincere our faith is, there is always more to learn and understand. Read Philippians 3 today.
Paul, who was once known as Saul, and was a persecutor of believers, met the risen Lord on that road to Damascus and became a changed person! Once converted Paul became the best known travelling preacher ever, leaving us much good advice. Let us take note today of this advice.
Hannah who eventually had her prayer answered, and gave birth to Samuel had been desperately unhappy with a sense of being a failure because she could not conceive. This verse is part of her answered prayer. I wonder if this desperately unhappy woman ever regretted her promise to The Lord.
A reminder from the writer of Hebrews to do what many of us think of as normal life! We all share things do we not? But the suggestion is that sharing is a sacrifice! When we compare our sacrifices with the sacrifice Jesus made for us, we must be humbled.
Today many children are taught about things the Lord has done, in Sunday schools or in schools run by church organisations, depending on where they live. Bible stories are good lessons to learn. But much more impressive is a personal story, when we can say God did that for me!
This is from the farewell speech Jesus made when He warned His disciples that He was leaving them to continue His work. They would be continuing all they had learned from Him because He was soon to go home to Heaven. His hearers had no idea what that really meant.