This is a word to church members today, but it could apply to any situation. How many of us sit in a church service, chat over coffee afterwards then go home without ever thinking that our presence there, or our assistance in something, can help the leaders enjoy their work?
Occasionally, I am tempted to think the writer of the book of proverbs, King Solomon, was out of touch with reality! Everything he wrote was probably true in his circumstances. But it could not be applied to every situation. Could the Lord be asking you to do something practical today?
Often church members are occupied with the work they do for the church. Too many think they must be occupied with doing something for Jesus, or the church they are a part of. This is a deception of the enemy. All that Jesus asks us to do is love Him!
It is interesting that all through history, the Jewish nation have been threatened by other nations. Is that because God has worked with them, and made them abundant? Remember that He promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars and as the sand on the seashore.
This verse is particularly meaningful to me. If we know the Lord is with us, then what are we worried about. Whatever our situation, whatever work He asks us to do, He is there, just a breath away. Let us make the most of His presence in our lives today.
I have met preachers and evangelists who say that they cannot stop themselves from talking about Jesus wherever they go. It just happens! These people would never tell you they work for the church, they would only ever say that they work for God, The Lord of Heaven and earth!
Idolatry is a deep deceptive sin, and the Bible has much to say about it. The suggestion here is that the ones who are most guilty are those who make the physical idols! They make them in order to give them honour, and to encourage others to do the same.
These verses are full of things that prompt questions in my mind. First Moses watched the people as they struggled with their labour. Then suddenly there were just two people, one Egyptian beating one Israelite! What happened to all those other labourers? Often the Bible leaves us with unanswered questions!
Harsh labour is one of the things we know about the Israelites living in Egypt. Very few of us can imagine that time in history when the Israelites were driven so hard for so long. They had given up all hope of change until Moses came along to rescue them.
These verses from Colossians are part of a chapter on encouragement for day to day living which can apply to any of us. The point Paul is making is that we as believers and followers of Jesus must be different to those around us who do not have that joy.