Work/Works 10

This post is Day 10 in a series of studies about “Work/Works”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Work/Works – Day 10

Proverbs 12:11

Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.

Proverbs 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

The Thought

Two verses of basic common sense from the writer of proverbs, who specialises in giving good advice, often stating the obvious, but sometimes it is good to be reminded of the obvious!

Occasionally, I am tempted to think that the writer of the book of proverbs, King Solomon, was out of touch with reality! Everything he wrote was probably true in his circumstances. But it could not be applied to every other person’s situation. In our “civilised” western world we think these things are true, and we hope life will stay that way, But …

There are many places in the world today where people are working really hard, but not exactly thriving. Sometimes because of natural disasters. Sometimes because of slavery which still exists in too much of the world.

There are areas where children are working in quarries. Where women and children have to walk long distances to get fresh water. There are war-torn places where lives are at risk from a physical enemy. Or where a physical enemy has passed by and left devastation.


Pray today for the poor, war-torn areas that you know of. Ask Jesus if He wants you to give some practical help today. There are many organisations worldwide that are feeding the poor, or digging fresh water wells, or looking after orphans in war torn areas.

Praise God today for the charitable organisations you know of who help where needed, and have people “on the ground” to keep information and finance flowing freely.

Could the Lord be asking you to do something practical? Or to give something towards a charitable work today?

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