Learning to know God better should be the aim of every Christian, and it should be a part of every message preached in Churches across the world. The more the children of God get to know their Heavenly Father the more we will know we can trust Him.
Think for a moment what life would be like if you were adopted and loved by someone rich and famous. Through your father you could have contacts in whatever field you chose to study or work in. No shortage of food, finance, or opportunities. We can be adopted by God!
Today we are nearer than ever before to the fulfillment of the long term plan that God has. You and I are part of it. That is an exciting prospect. But it is not something to just sit back and wait for. There is work to be done.
This message is not just for those we might call real sinners. It is for those of us who have been church-goers for a long time, or just a few weeks, or never, but consider ourselves Christians. None of us is perfect so we all need to change.
It seems easy to say Do Not Worry, but most of us know it is not easy to do. Jesus tells us the only way to do it is to trust Him, and His Heavenly Father. Look back and remember the times God has answered a prayer for you.
The subject of this whole study is Renewing the Mind. Many of us need to be renewed in our attitude to finances, and realise that the Heavenly bank is not subject to the earthly stock exchange! What does it mean for you to honour the Lord with your wealth?
Everybody wants to go to Heaven, nobody wants to die! The verse today tells us that to stay healthy we should turn our backs on evil, and fear the Lord. God is a loving Father and not somebody to be afraid of. The answer to every sickness is in Him.
As we trust Him, we become more like Him. We have to stop reacting to situations as the world reacts. Most of us have spent years being educated by the world where we are taught to rely on ourselves, on what we have learned in school or at home.
We too are being transformed. Be encouraged that your transformation is well on its way. All we have to do is spend quality time in His presence, read His Word, listen to His voice, and the changes will happen. His Spirit works in us to make us into His light.
God made it clear to the disciples who Jesus was. Do you know who you are in God's eyes? Do you radiate His light? Jesus is the Light of the world, but He also says You are the light of the world. He is talking to you and me!