This world situation was not a surprise to Jesus! While the devil thinks he is ruling the world, true believers are rising up everywhere. The internet is being used mightily for God and Christians in every country of the world are growing in number and in their knowledge of Him.
Having our minds controlled by the Spirit is an interior question with exterior results and as we begin to change other people will notice. As we become convinced that God is in control, the Peace of God which transcends ALL understanding will keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Many of us have been hurt by our earthly parents; physically, mentally, or emotionally by things they have said or done, by their absence, by limitations they have put on us or by giving us too much freedom. None of us had perfect parents, but God is a perfect Father.
Therefore, prepare your minds for action. Peter suggests in this verse that preparing our minds for action means being self controlled. Being self controlled about our thought life is not always easy. For many of us, our thoughts have a way of wandering off down pointless routes that lead nowhere.
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. It takes determination in very difficult circumstances to have a thankful mind, but we must remember that God is still God and has ultimate control of everything. Jesus left His disciples His peace, He leaves it for us too.
When the Holy Spirit opens our hearts and minds, He does it so that we can recognize and use all that is available to us in the name of Jesus, so that we will go deeper with Him, so that we will be His hands and feet on the earth.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. If we are prepared to sit at His feet, listen and spend time getting to know Him, we can hear the scriptures explained by Him. The Holy Spirit wants to spend time with us, answer our questions and teach us all things.
It is a very long time since the prophecies of Jeremiah, but they still ring true. God is still looking for a holy people. He is still looking for that group of worshippers. A people who know His word, live by His word and are 100% dedicated to Him.
As we learn to think more as Jesus thought and develop the relationship with Father God to be like His, so our lives will change. Not only our personal lives, but those around us too because they will recognize and be affected by the difference in us.
God knows the whys and wherefores of everything we do, often much better than we do. He sees into our innermost being and He loves each one of us even though He knows all our bad points. He loves us too much to leave us as we are.