The men from Ephraim strongly protested Gideon's actions. It is often those who are close to us who criticise when we experience success. Ask yourself if you are guilty of criticism or jealousy like the Ephraimites who should have been rejoicing and congratulating Gideon and his troops for their victory.
A sword for the Lord and for Gideon! Everyone in the Midianite camp began to run away, screaming as they fled. The small Gideonite army didn't have to fight. Just stay in place and watch the victory the Lord had prepared. God has a place for each of us.
They blew their rams' horns and smashed the jars they were holding in their hands. In Exodus 19:16 the people were afraid. In Revelation 11:15, the elders fell down to worship God. Back in the Gideon story the enemy panicked and chaos followed. What a picture for us as Christians!
Gideon gave them each rams' horns and jars with torches inside. I wonder how many of them were scared when they saw that they had no real weapons, just horns and jars!! I'm sure that some of them had their doubts when they saw what they were fighting with.
When Gideon heard the dream and its interpretation, he worshiped the Lord. Gideon didn't run back to his tent to praise the Lord, he worshiped Him right there in the enemy camp. Spontaneous worship should be part of our daily lives. Each time something good happens, how do you react?
"I had a strange dream …" His friend replied, "That can only be the sword of Gideon, …" The interpretation of dreams is another of God's spiritual gifts. If we are obedient to the Lord, fighting battles He gives us to fight, then we have the victory in His name.
Nothing happens by chance with the Lord. Maybe you can think of a time when you were in the right place at just the right moment. Praise Him for the things He organises, down to the finest detail. Praise Him that nothing happens by chance in His Kingdom.
The other men should go home. How do you think these men felt when they were sent home? What about Gideon? God is preparing His body, His Bride, it will be a complete body, a complete Bride. It will not be the broken body we recognise in the church today.
Three hundred men lapped water with their hands to their mouths. All the rest of the men knelt down to drink water. God was determined, and more of the men had to leave the front line. The three separations in this story remind me of much of the church today.
Whoever is scared or frightened should leave Mount Gilead and go back home. Fear has such power in our lives, and is one of satan's strongest tools. As I am preparing this study early in 2021 many people are fearful. Many are afraid of death, others are afraid of life.