David the shepherd knew his sheep well. He led them where they needed to go for their health and wellbeing. His reputation as a shepherd depended on it. The health of the sheep was important, the livelihood of the family depended on it. Talk to Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
All of us need our souls restoring from time to time, probably most of the time. Every experience we have either blesses us or hurts us, even though we tell ourselves that we are indifferent. Our souls are influenced by everything that happens to us.
Being a spiritual leader is not easy, and can be a lonely job. The only way to be successful is to stay in very close contact with our Heavenly Father. We must keep listening to the Lord. He knows the needs of the flock better than anyone else.
Sheep drink from streams and pools. Imagine a sheep standing in a river drinking. His coat will get very wet, and when wool gets wet it becomes very heavy. A young or a weak sheep can easily get swept downstream. They need their shepherd to find quiet waters for them.
Ask yourself today if you have a good earthly shepherd who feeds you the food your soul and spirit needs. That is the role of pastors and priests. They need our prayers so that they can be constantly hearing from the Lord and feeding their flock the right spiritual food.
During the early life of David as a shepherd boy, he learned much that would be useful later in life. Because of those early lessons he could say with confidence that he was short of nothing. God never let him down, and he will not let you down either.
While David was a shepherd, he learned much about fighting an enemy. Later in 1 Samuel we read of him telling king Saul how he fought off lion and bear in order to rescue his sheep. He had no idea at that time he was in training to become king!
Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd. This is probably the most well known of all the psalms, and many songs have been written with the words from these verses, but how many of us have ever really studied the words and some of the hidden meanings?
As soon as Gideon died, the people of Israel chased after other gods … The next generation failed the Lord in the same way that their fathers had done. Will we ever learn? Pray for our generation to break out of the cycle, and to move on with the Lord.
I will not rule you … The Lord will rule you. People always want to honour great leaders and make heroes of them. Even people of God are often honoured by the world, but many people find it difficult to give the glory to the Lord, and not to His instrument.