Renewing the Mind – 20

This post is Day 20 in a series of studies about “Renewing the Mind”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

Feel free to comment below with your own thoughts about each verse and how you will be acting on each thought. Also, if you haven’t yet signed up to receive the notifications of new studies, you can do that today (the form is at the bottom of the page).

Renewing the Mind – Day 20

Ephesians 1:4-5

In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ,

The Thought

God’s plan was always to love us and to have us love Him; not as a distant God somewhere out there in the universe, but as a close relational God who longs for His children to climb on His knee and talk to Him. Can you do that today?

Jesus gave up His place in Heaven to come to earth as an example for us. It was so that we would follow that example.

He lived as a Son of God and so should we. This verse from Ephesians tells us that Father in Heaven wants to adopt us as His children, He wants us to follow the example Jesus gave us in the way that He lived, telling others that Father God is a miracle working, loving God who still has His plan of redeeming the world. Jesus completed His part, now we must fulfill ours.

Think for a moment what life would be like if you were adopted and loved by someone rich and famous. Through your father you could have contacts in whatever field you chose to study or work in. No shortage of food, finance, or opportunities.

Can you understand just a little of what is available to you once you have been adopted by the King of kings? Think about it and give God the Glory for His love for you.


Praise God that His plans for His creation have not changed. Praise Him too that they are nearing fulfillment.

Ask Him to help you in the renewing of your mind so that you can more understand how He loved you enough to adopt you as His child and to die for you.

Pray for the reality of that love in your life, and the courage to share it with others.

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