This post is Day 12 in a series of studies about “James”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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James – Day 12

James 2:23-24

And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend. You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.

The Thought

What a wonderful epitaph that is: “God’s friend”! And it certainly fits the character of Abraham who talked to God like I talk to my family!

But do you remember that God has no favourites, He wants you and me to be His friend too. Would people describe you as a friend of God? Imagine having the King of kings as your best friend, imagine walking and talking to Him and playing games with Him. That’s what Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden, and that’s what we can do too.

We must never forget that He is the Lord of lords, and we must honour and revere Him, but He did create man to have fellowship with Him.

James had obviously learned to have fellowship with his Father God, and is trying to get across to his readers the importance of that relationship. His book is basically a list of good advice for us who call ourselves Christians. He finishes this chapter with another Old Testament reference; to Rahab the prostitute who acted in faith to help the spies (Joshua 2) and ended up being in the genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:5). Nothing is impossible with God!


Praise God for His designs for men, women and children to fellowship with Him. Thank Him for His friendship and remind yourself during today that God wants to be your best friend.

Pray for a more intimate relationship with Him as you get to know Him better.

Dare to spend some fun time with Him today, go for a walk with Him, or lie on your bed and talk to Him from your heart.

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