Jesus was saying that doing what He was meant to do in life was as satisfying as eating a good meal. Many of us have that same feeling when we are gripped with something we enjoy. And to enjoy the work we do is really a gift from The Lord.
In these verses today Job is encouraging his companions to think more about all the work that God has done. But later God Himself responds from a whirlwind. Those chapters make good reading as The Creator of Heaven and earth describes some of the things that His hand has made.
This letter is encouraging readers to stick with it and not go back to the old ways. If people know any verses from this letter to the Hebrews it is usually the hall of fame in chapter 11 where the writer names forerunners who have done great things for God.
Samson was the boy referred to here. The beginning of this story is very similar to that of John the Baptist. Both babies were much longed for by infertile parents. Both were born after angelic visitations to the parents. And both babies worked for the Lord in very unusual ways.
I am fairly sure that if I had asked you before you read this page, where in the Bible you would find Tryphena and Tryphosa, you would say that you had no idea. And you probably do not know either, what they did and why their names were included here.
Another verse from Proverbs concerning work. This one is speaking of a person who is exceptionally good at what they do. The encouragement here is to work hard and develop high level skills, and sooner or later you will be recognised and honoured for that. The result will be promotion.
If we consider our verse for today, from Proverbs 18, the writer is saying that those who do not work well are just as bad as destructive people. None of us want to be known as destructive. But rather those who are constructive, positive and able to build others up.
God has work for each one of those who follow His Son. His plan is that the whole earth hears about Jesus, and His saving grace. Many of us are called to full time ministry. Many are not called to full time ministry, but to live as full time believers!
We mentioned this verse yesterday, but it is worth looking at in more detail. Jesus was answering the question posed by some in the crowd that had been searching for Him since they had seen the multiplication of bread and fish. But what a simple answer Jesus gives:- Just believe!
The work of God is this: to believe in the one He has sent. Faith goes a long way to providing what we need when we need it! Many books have been written about miraculous provision. Many people do not believe that happened, even when it is in The Bible!