In this verse, we see hospitality at work. Everyone will trust their neighbours, there will be no fear of having things stolen or spoiled because of unruly behaviour. No embarrassment attached to what others might think of us when they come onto our property, see the state of our garden.
The Jews are still looking forward to that day, when their Saviour finally comes to reign and to bring lasting peace to the earth. What a wonderful day that will be for all who believe and have been waiting and doing what He called us to do.
These words are given not to scare us, but to convince us that the Almighty God is Lord of the whole earth and will do what He says. He is a God of love who wants no-one to perish, but longs for all sinners to repent and turn to Him.
Hosea was an Old Testament prophet told by God to take a prostitute wife who would be unfaithful to him, but each time she left him he had to go and take her back. This would be a picture to Israel, of how they had treated God, abandoning Him.
Do you feel everything has been going wrong for too long? That is how the people felt in the days of Haggai. In the two chapters of his prophecy Haggai addressed the problem. God still wants a Holy people living according to His holy commands wherever He has planted us.
After a few days of challenging verses, we read some encouragement. The Song of Songs is often described as an allegory for the second coming of Christ. The bride, the church, is being constantly drawn towards her lover, Jesus. Spring is in the air and the wedding date is near.
Amos lived in the 8th century before Christ, and spoke about social injustice. He was a simple Judean farmer called by God to reprimand Israel for their unrighteous behaviour. He was concerned about social injustice, and told Israel that if things did not change there would be disaster.
The three short chapters of Joel make interesting reading. They were written at a time when swarms of locusts were attacking the vegetation all over the country. Joel believed this was a sign from The Lord for everyone to take faith seriously once more. To turn back to God.
The Jews still sing the psalms and remember what God has done for their people in the past. There are many Jewish festivals when they read the scriptures and rejoice with their extended families about present and past victories. Tell someone of the good things He has done for you.
Many years after the Israelites had settled in their promised land they had become comfortable and were no longer serious about their faith as previous generations had been. They were living as they liked, and taking the Lord for granted. It could be a description of our world today.