The problem in the church in Thyatira was one that many churches face today. Someone who professes to be a believer, but is actually a demonic power in their midst! There are times when a volunteer can do more harm than good! Churches need committed Christians in positions of responsibility.
Read one of the chapters mentioned today and think about the vision described there. Think about your own vision of Jesus. Do you see Him as gentle Jesus loving the children and healing the sick? Or is He for you a more authoritative person, giving that authority to His followers?
Another day on this verse leads us to look at the white stone bearing a name. A personal name for each individual. Only that person knows what it is! It sounds like a conundrum! I am sure God loves playing games with His children, just like good earthly fathers do!
Whoever has ears! Ever since the first Pentecost, Holy Spirit has been speaking to believers and non-believers across the world, but sadly many are not really hearing what He is saying. All of us could listen more and hear more if we gave God a little more of our time.
This is one of the most interesting verses in the letters to the churches. What is the hidden manna? Why is it the prize for the victorious ones? What is the victory we must aim for? Of what purpose is a white stone with a new name? A secret name!
How sad it is, and how disappointing for Jesus that sexual immorality is still a problem in much of the church today. Scandals are often reported in national news programmes, bringing the church into ill repute. Satan is still trying to destroy believers. Just as he tried to destroy Jesus.
The devil may have had a few army generals in Smyrna, but these verses today say clearly that Satan had his throne in Pergamum, which was a more demonic place. There were many temples of idol worship and several animal idols there, one was in the form of a snake!
In many places, believers are being persecuted daily because of their faith in Jesus. We pray for those who suffer and we praise God that He is with us through every form of suffering. But what is the 10 days given in these verses as the time of the suffering?
Twice in these few words, we have the declaration from The Lord that He knows! He is the all knowing, all aware, Sovereign Lord. Many verses confirm that for us. But often when we have difficulties in our daily lives it is so easy to forget what He has said.
Our Bibles begin with In the beginning God…. Whole sermons have been preached on that simple phrase. Most of us as believers would consider that our God was the first: The first being. Much of the Bible tells us that He is the everlasting and eternal one. He just is!