Each gate, made of a single pearl, is named after a tribe of Israel, and each is guarded by an angel. There are three on each side of the heavenly square but there is limited access to the Holy city. Only those who have washed their robes may go through.
Many of us can look back and see from our current perspective that past troubles really were a door to good things. But sadly it is hard to think like that when we are struggling with some major problem in our personal lives or the lives of our family.
There are many things in this story that we could focus on but as we are looking at doors the locked door is the most interesting. Rhoda the servant girl who went to see who was at the gate was so excited she ran back without opening the door!
Locked doors are no hindrance to the Spirit or for the angels. Many of us have known locked doors in some situation or other, a relationship, a job application, a financial need. And many of us have seen the Lord move miraculously in those situations in answer to our prayers.
Opening your door to people you do not know is not necessarily easy, but rewarding. Personally my family have been very blessed by having an open door policy and the consequence has been that we have many friends all over the world who have also opened their doors to us.
The people Jesus was talking to heard hard teachings in the synagogue, about what they must and must not do. His teaching brought a light relief with just the challenge of loving each other. That is the way to the narrow gate. But He never said it would be easy.
Solomon who is the writer of Proverbs, tried to warn his sons not to go down the path he had gone down himself. Solomon had a thousand wives, so we can imagine that he knew a lot about women. His advice to keep away from the wrong areas was genuine.
Notice that Father God will reward those who are obedient in this. How do you suppose He does that? In verse 8 of this chapter, just before we get into the actual words of the prayer, Jesus tells us that our Father God knows what we need before we ask.
All doors do is swing on their hinges. A closed door can protect us from bad weather, help to keep our space warm. A locked door will keep the evil people out and protect those on the inside. Sometimes a closed door gives us privacy, and keeps spying eyes away.
The letter of James is full of good advice. Often things that we do not want to hear because they prick our conscience! He must have been very frustrated with the behaviour of some of the christians he met, and irritated with the leaders of the new churches he visited.