None of the stars are there by accident, everyone was designed to be part of a constellation. And all the constellations move together in formation around the earth. Astronomers and astronauts will tell us there are many more stars than can be seen from earth. The fourth day was busy!
There has been light and dark since the very first day. Any thought that all the light on earth comes from the sun has to be false! The sun and moon were created to govern the light. A deeper search tells us that it means to keep within the limits.
I have often heard people ask "Which came first, the seed or the plant bearing the seed?" The answer to that is right here in the first chapter of the Bible. Sadly, because our finite minds cannot comprehend the creation story, many people dismiss it as myth or folklore.
Doubt is an enemy of God. It can stop the answers to our prayers, and thwart the work of Jesus in our lives and consequently in the lives of those around us. The short letter of James has something to say about doubt, where he likens the doubters to the waves of the sea coming and going. (James 1:6)
Much of what the three friends of Job say is true and Biblical, but God obviously does not like their attitudes!! We get the impression, when God speaks that He is deriding them for their pride. Remember that pride was the downfall of Satan, he thought he could be equal to God.
We can understand why there are many who believe in Jesus but can not get a grip on the creation story. It just does not seem possible, unless we choose to believe in a creator God who really is capable of anything and everything. How big is your God?
It is hard to imagine this scene. We cannot understand the situation at all. We were told in verse 1 that the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters, so whatever the earth looked like it was completely hidden under the water. There was nothing to see but water!
God is still separating the light from the darkness in our time. Revivals are beginning in many parts of the world and people are giving up drugs and other addictions as they see the miracles of Jesus happening before their eyes, and as they allow Him into their lives.
God said something and it happened. He was not a body in a workshop somewhere working as a potter creating things over time, He was a Spirit who spoke. (He still is !) When He spoke, things happened. There is much in the Bible concerning the power of words.
Take time today to think about what you believe about creation. Millions of people have been taught that man was a monkey millions of years ago, or that a fish grew legs, and decided to live on the land. Think seriously about the possibility of those things.