The suggestion in these verses is that people make too many plans without consulting the Lord. No matter what our wishes for the future are, we must remember that sooner or later our lives end! While we have our lives on earth, we must all learn to trust God more.
How often do we sing songs, in church, or at home, throughout the day, without really thinking about the words? In this verse the psalmist is speaking to his own soul to lift the focus. At the same time he is encouraging all of us to sing from our hearts.
The Lord is my Shepherd to feed, to guide and to shield me, I shall not want. He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still and quiet waters. He refreshes and restores my soul, my life; He leads me in the paths of righteousness.
How uncomfortable it would be living in a large stone cathedral. Uncomfortable seating, stone pillars, emptiness. Yet I know I have been in buildings like that and felt the presence of the Lord strongly. But that does not mean I want to sleep there for the rest of my days.
Since the beginning of time God has desired to have people walk closely with Him. God walked with Adam in the garden. Enoch walked very closely with God. Noah found favour with Him. The Almighty God wants to walk and talk with you. So thank Him for being there.
David had been rejected and accepted; a shepherd and a warrior; a servant and a King; hungry and thirsty. He had experienced an unhappy marriage and a happier one. At times he acted like a sinner, but at others like a saint. He had seen answered prayers, and un-answered prayers.
The Good Shepherd watches us as we are born again in the Spirit and grow into His kingdom. He sends other good shepherds to nurture us to maturity. All of us are on that road. There is always so much to learn, and the Lord is always doing new things.
The Gospel of John tells us things the others do not. He is more sensitive to feelings, emotions, and he gives us a more intimate view of Jesus. In this verse he emphasises the words of Jesus contrasting the thief with destruction, and the Saviour offering life. Life in abundance.
The prophecy of Zechariah, written about 500 years before Christ, foretells Jesus. The rest of the chapter is an encouragement of all that God will do to save His people. It is a good chapter to read today when much of the world seems to be against Israel.
The 5th verse of Psalm 23 is such a rich verse. In its entirety, it speaks of feasting, and health, and ends with this wonderful expression: my cup overflows! Can you feel the joy as David sang those words? Later though, David hid in a cave as others joined him.