This whole chapter in Deuteronomy is full of promises from God to the whole tribe of Israel. Promises that we can take for ourselves today, as long as we obey His commandments. There are a few extra ones thrown in there with qualifications as to why we should obey them.
The forty days and nights is the forerunner for what Jesus did in the desert, before He entered His active ministry. Moses fasted in the presence of God. But Jesus fasted in a desert, far from the physical presence of His Father with whom He had lived from the beginning!
What an amazing invitation this is! I am guessing that not one of the readers of this study have had anything similar. But nothing can ever be as good as being invited to stay with the creator of the earth and hear directly what His plans are for the future.
We can discuss different ideas about who wrote the Bible and when, but the important thing is that it tells us the truth about Almighty God, and His plan for mankind. It gives us important guidelines for living our lives in this difficult world that we find ourselves in today.
A few days ago, we discussed the 7th commandment to not commit adultery, and the origin of that in Genesis 2:23. In our verse today, which is the last of the ten commands from The Lord, we get a strong order to not even allow ourselves to think about adultery!
Ever since the beginning of time satan has been tempting humans to not be perfectly honest. Truth is an important subject. It is mentioned throughout the Bible. The book of proverbs also has much to say about truth, and being honest about ourselves as well as others we talk about.
You shall not steal. The 6th commandment. Most of us do not go out to steal anything from anyone. But there are occasions when many of us are tempted to try not to pay full price for things, or to get away with not being totally honest about paying taxes!
Eve was born of Adam! In the first surgical operation, Adam had a rib removed in order for his wife to be formed. Ever since, each male has been searching, and thankfully, in most cases, finding the rib designed to fit his body! Sexual unity means they become one flesh.
A very short command for this sixth commandment! Is it not common sense that we are to be nice to others? How tragic that there were only two brothers on the earth, and one killed the other! We read of Cain killing his brother because of jealousy in Genesis 4.
Most of us would not connect living for a long time with whether or not we honour our parents. But for God, and the Israelites in the desert when these laws were given, it was a lesson in obedience, and a question of basic respect.