We can never live up to God's high standards, not one of us is perfect. Ask yourself if you are quick to forgive. We have a generous God. Think about that for a moment. He doesn't give His gifts with a spoon, He gives them out by the bucket full.
Redemption is one of the key words for understanding the Christian faith. Once we understand that we are far from perfect, and that each of needs to be redeemed from our sins and to receive the grace of God in our lives, then things begin to become clearer.
The grace he had given us in his dear Son. Once we become a child of God, He begins the work of making us more like Him. It is a slow process, many of us have much to un-learn from earthly circumstances. His grace will complete that work in us.
Imagine for a moment being adopted by someone rich and famous. You would have everything you need right from square one. Can you imagine a spiritual blessing bigger than being adopted as a child of God? Because of His love He had already decided to adopt us through Jesus Christ.
Like Father, like son is an expression often used when a boy looks and acts like his father. Jesus showed the love of the Father to the world, so should we. Jesus obeyed everything His Father told Him to do, so should we. Jesus was obedient to the end, so must we be.
God chose you through Jesus before even Adam and Eve existed. He knew that mankind, made in His image, would not live up to His hopes and expectations, because there was a fallen angel in the story. God wants ALL to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth.
In Paul's letter to the Ephesians he tries to convince the new converts of all that is available to them as believers. This short letter is a call to be reconciled fully to God and also together with other Christians as the world wide family of God.
The seven angels who had the seven trumpets got ready to blow them. The number seven appears 36 times in the 22 chapters of Revelation. The number seven has a sense of completion. On this last day of our 30 day study let's reflect on what we have learned.
The smoke from the incense went up from the angel's hand to God along with the prayers of God's people. Does it encourage you that every prayer you pray becomes incense before God in Heaven? That is if you are one who can be described as "one of God's people".
The seventh seal, silence in heaven for about half an hour. Then seven angels, and they were given seven trumpets. Four living creatures never stop saying "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come". So what has made them silent?