This post is Day 18 in a series of studies about “Truth”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Truth – Day 18

Job 42:7

After The Lord had said these things to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Temanite, “I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken the truth about Me, as My servant Job has.”

The Thought

The book of Job makes interesting reading, it has a dramatic and very sad beginning, but a glorious ending. At least for Job who lived to see the fourth generation of his descendants (Job 42:16). What a privilege! It also has some amazing descriptions of God’s creation that are beautifully poetic.

I can imagine that Job’s faithful friends who stayed at his side through all the tragic losses when Job lost all he possessed, were upset by what God said to them. They thought they were helping, they wanted to see Job healed and established once more, but had their own ideas of what had caused the problem:-Job must have sinned!

But he hadn’t!! The beginning of this book tells us that God was very pleased with Job, and confident that no matter what happened to him, he would stay faithful to his God (Job 1:9-12). Satan, who is known as the accuser (Revelation 12:10) was the one who failed, even though he tried very hard, to get Job to sin and deny the Truth.

Interestingly a phrase from the verse today is repeated in the following verse. These are the only 2 verses in Job which speak directly about truth.


Read the closing chapter of Job and remember that God hears every conversation. He knows when we speak truth and when we don’t. He is not just listening when we pray, but all the time. Ask Him to help you speak nothing but the truth today, about yourself and about others.

If you can make the time, read from chapter 38 onwards where we read God’s defence of who He is, and all He has done. It is very challenging!

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