This post is Day 28 in a series of studies about “Work/Works”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Work/Works – Day 28

Judges 13:12

Manoah asked him, “When your words are fulfilled, what is to be the rule that governs the boy’s life and work?”

The Thought

Samson was “the boy” referred to here. An angel had appeared to Manoah’s wife telling her that she was to have a son, after many years of her and her husband feeling that she would remain childless.

The beginning of this story is very similar to that of John the Baptist (Luke 1:11-19). Both babies were much longed for by infertile parents. Both were born after angelic visitations to the parents. And both babies worked for the Lord in very unusual ways.

John the Baptist honoured and obeyed The Lord all through his life which was cut short when he was beheaded (Matthew 14:6-11). Samson was obedient until he fell into the trap of a female who persuaded him to tell her the secret of his strength (Judges 16:17).

Samson committed suicide, killing lots of Philistines at the same time as himself (Judges 16:29). He died fulfilling the calling that was on his life. The angel had said that his work would be to deliver Israel from the Philistines (v5).

Samson, who was a judge in Israel for 20 years, had been dedicated to using his strength to serve the Lord and the Israelite people.


Think today about God’s purpose for the birth of some in your own family. If your family were serious Christians, you were no doubt prayed about before birth. Maybe you have prayed for the futures of babies born to yourself or others. I’m sure most of us have prayed for safety and security, but not specially for the work that babies will eventually do. But God had a plan for the work of both John the Baptist, and Samson. And He has a plan for the work of each member of your family too. Give thanks for that.

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