This post is Day 27 in a series of studies about “Psalm 23”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Psalm 23 – Day 27

Psalm 23:6

Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.

The Thought

We return to our psalm of the month and find David no longer talking to his readers, or listeners, but speaking directly to his Good Shepherd. He is totally one hundred percent persuaded that God will accompany him wherever he goes and whatever he does.

Because of that conviction he could sleep without worries. Can you?

It was David’s life experiences that had brought him to that place. He had been…

  • both rejected and accepted.
  • a shepherd and a warrior.
  • both a servant and a King.
  • hungry and thirsty, but he had also feasted at the king’s table.
  • He had experienced an unhappy marriage with Michal and a happier one with Bathsheba.
  • At times he acted like a sinner, but at others like a saint.
  • He had seen answered prayers, and un-answered prayers.

David was no different to you and me. Our life’s experiences can take us toward God or away from God. It is The Lord’s deep desire that whatever we are going through we turn to Him and grow in faith.

If we need…

  • healing, then Jesus is The One to turn to.
  • a confidant, then He is there.
  • a shoulder to cry on, then He is there.

Sometimes we need a person in the flesh to have a real shoulder to cry on or to rejoice with when things are going well. That’s where the body of Christ on the earth comes in.

There are people in every good Christian community ready to listen to your fears or sadness, ready to cry with you, pray for you and rejoice with you when things are going well.


Thank God today for those who have helped you through trials in the past.

Pray for that conviction that David had of the Lord’s company every day.

Ask the Lord if there is anyone you need to help today.

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