This post is Day 15 in a series of studies about “Jonah”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Jonah – Day 15

Jonah 2:10

And the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.

The Thought

This is not a nice thought at all, at least for me! The thought of being vomited out by the fish, is worse than being swallowed by him. God is amazing in the ingenious and unusual ways he gets our attention! He had certainly got Jonah’s full attention!

Every scene in this story is directed by The Lord Almighty. He is the God of creation. He has total authority over all the animals He has created. In Genesis 1:26 we read that He gave that authority to man too. Although I don’t think that was Jonah’s first thought when he was sitting in the dark, damp, smelly stomach of the fish. But at God’s command the fish obeyed, so that, in an instant, Jonah was saved from the sea, the fish, and the seaweed, and found himself on dry land, not knowing where he was or what to do next except be obedient to the Lord and go to Nineveh! Which he did.

All his problems disappeared in one go. Can you believe God can do that for you?

That didn’t mean there wouldn’t be other things that bothered Jonah further on in his story, but at least he was better off on dry land!


Pray today for a sudden end to all that is worrying you at the moment. Pray for others you know who need to see an end to their problems. Remind them that God is the Lord of the impossible.

Read Genesis 1 again, or maybe for the first time, and note all the authority that God gave to Adam and consequently to all mankind, especially believers!

Praise God that He is Lord of Heaven and Earth and is still in the miracle working business.

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