David made the Ammonites work for him, in fact these verses let us know that it was hard labour. Many christians work too much because they have been led to think we must work for Jesus. All He asks of us is to Love Him and do what He says.
This psalm can encourage each of us in whatever work we are doing for The Lord. Whether witnessing to a colleague, friend or family member, or whether preparing to start a new ministry of world outreach. The process is the same. And the prayer from this verse is the same.
The city gate was where the leaders of the town met to discuss anything and everything that was going on in their part of the world. They observed different people from the city. Hence this verse today suggesting that this perfect wife would be talked about by the city council.
The disciples went to the upper room and waited! And waited! And waited! They had no idea how long they were to wait, and no idea what they were actually waiting for. But Jesus had said to go to the upper room, and they were waiting for His next instruction!
We have looked at physical work so far in this study. Today we have a different perspective on work. The sanctifying work of the Spirit. That is going on in all of us as long as we are alive on the earth, and allow Holy Spirit to work in us.
In our verse today Jacob is reminding Laban how well he has worked for him, and it is true. He worked hard as a shepherd, but he also prepared some of the better sheep and goats for his own future! Does that encourage you, or does it make you irritated?
This verse speaks of unity. Everyone, not just the leaders, but the whole remnant of the people was encouraged by the Lord to do what He wanted them to do! We must forgive and live in that place of constant forgiveness and determination to complete any task for the Lord.
This word for today from James is not about work or labour that anyone does, but about allowing something else to work in and through us. James encourages us to embrace the problems of life and to allow all we struggle with in the difficult times to work on us.
We all have hardship, it is part of the course. It is most often through our difficulties that we mature. That is when we are stretched in all our abilities; spiritual, physical and emotional. And we must do whatever work God has given us to do with enthusiasm and energy.
Paul was passionate about advancing the work of God. In this letter, he was giving Timothy the difficult task of correcting false teachings. As well as discouraging other leaders from wasting time on things that have little importance. Many church small group leaders would do well to heed this verse.