There are other examples of surprises in the Bible. Many in the old testament, but also many in the gospels and on through the book of Acts. Jesus had taught His early disciples that they could do what He was doing, as long as they stayed connected to Father God.
Many of us are brought up in a stable family situation where things are always done the same way. It is often a shock to find that that is not the only way of doing something. As adults we are still surprised that others do not have the same habits.
More and more people will be experiencing this big surprise as the Body of Christ grows through miraculous intervention and revival spreads throughout the world. Exciting times are ahead. The Bible tells of several specific surprises coming in the last days. Many of us are longing to see those days.
What a terrifying thing this must have been to watch. All those who knew they were not guilty were hoping it was not their own family or tribe who would be found guilty. Joshua organised that day exactly as God had told him to. Eventually Achan of Judah was chosen.
What a surprise for Joshua and all the Israelites when the battle of Ai was lost! They all believed God was on their side and nothing could stop them. The spies had said that it would be an easy fight, so what went wrong? That was the question Joshua had.
If we give, we will receive, and here, probably some people did share what they received. But the main point is that everyone was blessed by a generous God who cares for His children. The boy who humbly gave his picnic must have been really surprised at what that started!
The book of Daniel is full of surprises. The reluctant believer, King Nebuchadnezzar had died, and his son Belshazzar had become king in his place. It seems he had learned nothing from the mistakes of his father, which he was aware of, and he knew very little about Almighty God.
One of the biggest disappointments in the life of Abraham was not having children. Abraham was already 75 when he received the call of God for his life to father a great nation! He then travelled many long distances, all the time expecting his wife Sarah to announce her pregnancy.
In our modern society we must take care about what we say concerning other believers who do not think like we do. Ask yourself if you have a critical attitude to other styles of church. And if necessary ask for forgiveness. Praise God that He loves every type of church.
These verses are some of the best known of the experiences that Moses had. This event was full of surprises. First was the burning bush which was not being destroyed, then the angel and the audible voice of God, followed by the message God gave to Moses this runaway shepherd!