John puts a lot of emphasis on truth in all his writings. Just in the introduction to this short letter, he uses the word Truth 4 times in the first 3 verses. And in his gospel the word appears 23 times. Many more than any other book in The Bible.

Being joyful is a decision all of us can take at any time. Yes there are problems world wide and in many of our family circumstances today. But we must never forget that our all powerful Sovereign God is in charge, He is still the Miracle worker and sees everything.

These three short chapters make Habakkuk one of my favourite Old Testament books. They speak so much about what is happening in our day, and are full of our everyday human emotions. The Lord responds to this complaint with basically a Watch and Pray message in the verse for today.

Sadly there are believers in churches who react like the elder brother in this story, and do not rejoice when young believers experience rapid spiritual growth. There are also many who think that spiritual gifts stopped with the disciples. Thankfully the experiences of many others tell us a different story.

After the intense time in isolation, followed by the first Pentecost, the apostles and early believers were seeing great changes happen to people around them. The worldwide church had begun without any planning meetings or discussions. God was on the move and it was a joy to be part of.

This picture, so encouraging, was described thousands of years before any cartoon artist created talking hills and trees which demonstrate their joy! The previous verse tells us that the Word of God is powerful and will always accomplish what He desires, and achieve the purpose for which He sent it.

There have been converts who have joyfully accepted Jesus as Saviour in evangelistic meetings, but the joy does not last, because these people are not fed from good soil. Becoming a Christian happens in a moment, but growing in wisdom and maturity takes a lot of feeding with good soil.

Fear that a good thing may not be just as it seems has happened to most of us at some time or another. But nothing quite so amazing as this! As these women were hurrying to share this amazing news with the disciples, they must have been remembering the cross.

We all experience the emotion of joy at good news at some time in our lives. Each of us can identify with feelings of joy, renewed energy, a smile, a sparkle in the eye when we hear good news. The opposite feelings and reactions with bad news are equally true.

Many of us get stressed about buying gifts for others, and all the preparations we feel are necessary for the season we are in. Sometimes, at the beginning, or in the middle of the arrangements, it is important to stop and take a breath. Remember the reason for the season.