This verse suggests that there are angels from another source! Angels of satan! These are the evil spirits that we read much about during the ministry of Jesus. He often blamed demonic activity for sickness or infirmity and had no hesitation in casting out those demons. Sometimes with dramatic effect.

God does not want us to live in fear! Yet so many Christians are afraid of so many things. Illness, loneliness, financial difficulties, and in many parts of the world believers have reason to be fearful for their lives. But God constantly repeats His assurance. We have nothing to fear.

5 verses from the end of the Bible we read this encouragement to the churches which were mentioned in the early chapters of Revelation. We can take it for the church today too. Jesus sent His own personal angel to encourage John during his suffering on the Isle of Patmos.

Sarah, frustrated at having no children, took things into her own hands and gave her servant to Abraham in order to have children by proxy. Once Hagar was pregnant Sarah was not as happy as she had hoped, jealousy took root in her. She blamed Abraham, and Hagar was sent away.

I have always thought that angels were servants of God, and they are, but they are our servants too! Their ultimate boss is Father God, but they are assigned to us, for our protection, for revelation of Heavenly things, and for intervention in our lives when we need it.