When Jesus identified Himself as the Messiah, the woman at the well immediately ran off to tell her whole village. Messiah means one who liberates from sin, and that woman at the well began that day to understand that Jesus was The One who could liberate her from her past.
God as Shepherd is a regular theme running throughout the Bible. Many people who have never attended a church service have heard or sung some rendering of Psalm 23. It begins The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. A very confident statement from the shepherd boy who became king.
God has always been intent on having a Holy nation as a witness to the rest of the world. We see the continuation of that intention in the life of Jesus. When He was healing someone He said your sins are forgiven. In that statement God was making people Holy.
Revelation reveals the second coming of Jesus as The Bridegroom coming for His bride. What an exciting time that will be for those of us who believe, and are waiting impatiently for His return. Rejoice … For the wedding of The Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready.
Today let us think about the idea of marrying our Builder (Isaiah 62)! A builder constructs or repairs buildings. And if you have a builder in the family, that person will be very much appreciated because they can repair walls, replace windows, and put fallen tiles back on the roof!
It is often a scary concept to think that God knows everything; what we think, what we want before we ask, all that we do, both good and bad. All that 24/7! Remember that He never sleeps. There were many instances when Jesus too showed that He had supernatural knowledge.
Remember some of the things you have seen in the past, and praise God today for the miracles you have experienced, either for yourself or in meetings with others. If you feel as though you have not seen any miracles, think about conception and childbirth, how that produces a baby!
Jesus replied to Thomas during a discussion about the immediate future. He told His disciples that He was leaving them in order to prepare a place for them. That is a promise we can take for ourselves too. Jesus has prepared a place for each one of us in Heaven.
Sadly there are church leaders today who take advantage of their position as shepherds but don't fulfill the requirements of the job. The opening of Ezekiel 34 are a tirade from the Lord against the shepherds of Israel. I wonder how many of them listened to what this prophet said!
The Lord appeared to Hagar as an angel and sent her back to Sarah, Abraham's wife. It was at that point that Hagar referred to "the God who sees me." What an encouragement it must have been for Hagar, but a challenge too, because she would not want to return.