The idea of Jesus being a gate for us to enter Heaven begins in the first verse of this chapter, but that verse also is a continuation of the conversation with the Pharisees that began in the previous chapter. Read John 10 today. In your mind go through the gate.
One of the most known things about Jesus, when He predicted His death, is a verse encouraging us to eat of His body at the last supper. Jesus took bread, and gave thanks. He broke it, and gave it to His disciples saying Take and eat, this is My body.
We might not actually see all those reactions of the Lord while we live on the earth, but our children and grandchildren will. Our lives and what we do have a huge effect on the generations that follow us, as well as in our own personal present situations.
If life is going along well, with very few problems, if we have happy families, live in a nice place, and have no big financial burdens, then we tend to get satisfied, and think that all is well. And it is! But the world is in the hands of satan.
Living in a time and place when many tribes and nations openly served their own personal god, Daniel was always faithful to The Most High God. The Bible is consistent in letting us know that the God who created the world, and spoke things into being, is this El Elyon.
To say that Jesus is The Word, what does that mean exactly? The short answer is I do not know. But I think there has to be a link to the beginning of Genesis where we read of God speaking things into being. Let there be … appears 7 times there.
Sadly many babies do not survive the 9 month gestation period. And many of us know someone who has experienced miscarriage, or not been able to conceive. These things are not unseen by our God who sees. The biggest problem in our day is the fallen world we live in.
These verses refer to the God of knowledge which is El-Deah in Hebrew, and we find this word very clearly explained in 1 Samuel 2 where we read the prayer of Hannah when she was about to dedicate her young son to the Lord for the rest of his life.
The Lord is My Banner. The Israelites found they had many battles to face as they took over the land promised to them by God. And this battle against the Amalekites was one of the most difficult. Only as Moses held high his hands did the battle go their way!
Many followers of Jesus today are teaching the things that He taught and doing what He did. But none of us has overcome death as He did. It was in raising His Son from the dead that Father God proved that Father and Son were of the same family line.