As a kingdom of priests on the earth, we should live by His rules. And we have God given authority to chase the demons out of our territory. We do not have to draw attention to ourselves. But most of us can pray and take authority more than we do.
We sing songs and say prayers to Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but who are the seven spirits in this verse? Seven is the perfect number. In that case, then these seven spirits are another way of describing the fullness of Holy Spirit. An expression of the completeness of God.
If we read something silently, we take it in, just using our one sense – sight. But if we speak what we are reading, then we use a second sense, - hearing. The fact is that we remember much more what we have read if we use two senses instead of one.
Politicians do not stay long in office. The late Queen Elizabeth reigned for 70 years in Great Britain, and was a practicing Christian, a woman of prayer. Samson was remembered for his brute strength and not for any wisdom as a judge. How will your present day rulers be remembered?
When Samson prayed that final prayer, he knew it would be his last. But in his opinion, it was better to die in victory, than rot in a prison cell. Imagine the three thousand people on the roof being happy to have chosen the best place to see Samson perform.
Samson had a God inspired plan to have the last word. Sadly it was his own personal last word too. It caused his death. But it was one more message to those Philistines that the God of Samson was more powerful than theirs! It certainly must have stopped the festivities.
There has been no mention of the god Dagon until now in this unbelievable story, but when there is a victory of any sort people want to show their gratitude to whoever deserves the credit. It does not seem that Delilah got too much credit for the part she played.
Yesterday, his strength left him. Verse 20 ends with an even sadder and longer lasting tragedy. He did not know that the Lord had left him. Samson had so taken for granted the presence of God in his life that he did not give him a second thought. How sad.
This is the fourth time that Samson had wakened to find the Philistine leaders in his bedroom! Why was he not more careful and more attentive to what his girlfriend was doing? Why did he still see her? Why did he not ask himself about the Philistines in her house?
Samson did not seem to be getting bored with the questions from Delilah, but was totally self confident. He seemed to always sleep well, and never showed any signs of fear. Was his confidence in himself or in Almighty God? I would like to know how long his hair was.