Christmas – Day 25

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Christmas – Day 25

Matthew 2:11

When they entered the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary. So they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

The Thought

The Wise men left Herod and continued to follow the star to their destination: a house! The residence of the Holy Family was no longer a stable, in fact the Bible never mentions a stable, just that the baby was laid in a manger, so we suppose that the place of the animals was there first abode.

Maybe we can assume that before the arrival of these foreign visitors, the crowds who were there for the census had returned to where they came from. Consequently there was accommodation for Mary, Joseph and the baby elsewhere in Bethlehem.

Many of us have attended carol services or seen children performing the nativity play, and have an image of three small gifts from the kings. I imagine much bigger things than that. These kings would be rich and generous, and bring camels laden with expensive treasures for a new king.

There is so much we don’t really know about Jesus’ birth, the actual place, the exact day and so much that we see in the Christmas images is not necessarily the exact story! Maybe one day we will know the truth.

I don’t think it matters too much to the Lord when or how we celebrate his birthday. But it does matter that every day we celebrate Him; all He is, and all He has done for us.


Pray today on this day when much of the world celebrates the birth of Jesus (25th December) that you will know the truth of the things that are important. That as you read God’s word, you will be able to put aside all that you have heard or seen, and see the story in a new light. Ask the Lord to inspire you with His meaning in what you read. Thank Him for the baby born for your salvation.

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