This post is Day 29 in a series of studies about “Wisdom (Proverbs 8)”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Wisdom (Proverbs 8) – Day 29

Proverbs 3:7

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.

The Thought

This one is a challenge for many of us! We all think that we are doing the right thing and have made the best decisions, at least at the moment we make those decisions! Sometimes we regret that later and wish that we had asked for council or advice!

This proverb clearly tells us to think about what God says about whatever problem we are facing or whatever decision we have to make.

The Hebrew word translated fear in this verse is also translated as “worship” or “respect” in other places. That helps us to understand. We are never encouraged to be afraid of God, but we are encouraged to recognise that He makes the best decisions and knows what is best for each of us at any moment in time. He is also available 24/7! Why don’t we talk to Him more often?

Some of us, and some of the people we relate to in everyday life, have huge problems and need God’s help in making decisions. Many do not realise how deceitful the enemy of Jesus can be, they are blinded to His love. We need to pray for them, that their eyes will be opened, to the deceit of that enemy, and the saving grace of Jesus.

It is too easy to think we know what advice to give, sometimes that means we are being wise in our own eyes, just what this verse is advising us not to be! It is so much better to lead people to Jesus and let them get their good council direct from Him.


Pray today for any non-believers that you know, for them to turn to Jesus in times of need.

Read Proverbs 3 and as you do so, pray that Jesus will highlight other verses that are important for you today.

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