This post is Day 23 in a series of studies about “The Life of Joseph”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.
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The Life of Joseph – Day 23
Genesis 44:4-5
Joseph said to his steward, “Go after those men and when you catch up with them, say to them “Why have you repaid good with evil? Isn’t this the cup my master drinks from and also uses for divination?”
The Thought
In this verse, we discover that Joseph practices divination! That is a shock to some of us who are sure that all types of sorcery are an abomination to The Lord, and who were persuaded that this son of Israel was a righteous man!
We must remember that all this happened long before God had given the commandments to Moses. (God banned divination in the laws he gave to Moses – Leviticus 19:26).
At the time of Joseph, people used all sorts of methods and ways to seek supernatural guidance.
The brothers’ response on hearing the steward quoting Joseph’s words was obviously shock, and total rejection of the thought that they would do such a thing, but they agreed to have their bags searched confident that nothing would be found. So confident that they declared that if the cup was found, the one who is guilty would be killed, and the others would become servants of Joseph!
Think today if there has ever been a time when you were accused falsely; how did you feel? If it is not your case, then think how you might feel.
Remember that Jesus promised that those who believed in him would know the truth, and the truth would set them free (John 8:31)!
All of us, one day will come face to face with The Truth and some of us will be surprised about how wrong we have been about some of the things we have believed.
Pray today that you will know and understand the truths you need to know in our day.
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