Do we really understand that prayer is simple conversation with Father God? We can talk to Him as we would a loving earthly parent. We do not have to have a particular stance or attitude. He is longing to be in conversation with us, to provide for our every need.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. This does not mean that life is a fun ride until we graduate to Heaven. There are times in our christian walk when we hope for things that never arrive, there is affliction, but in all situations we can to pray.
The smoke from the incense went up from the angel's hand to God along with the prayers of God's people. Does it encourage you that every prayer you pray becomes incense before God in Heaven? That is if you are one who can be described as "one of God's people".
Spiritual Warfare – Part 9 If you haven’t yet read Part one of this study, please click here. THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE We have looked at 4 major battles of the Old Testament: Gideon, Jehoshaphat, David and Elisha. What are the common points in the battles? What spiritual weapons […]