This post is Day 26 in a series of studies about “Suddenly”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Suddenly – Day 26

Acts 2:2

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.

The Thought

This verse is talking about the day of Pentecost when Holy Spirit visited the disciples, (and hundreds of other people in the city) with power. The situation was that Jesus had risen from the dead. He then ascended into Heaven before the eyes of many of His followers, leaving them the instruction to go into the city and wait (Acts 1:4).

That waiting must have been a strange thing to be doing together. These followers of Jesus had spent much time together as they had travelled with their Master for the last three years. They had seen Him perform many miracles. They had learned to expect the unexpected. But what were they expecting now? They didn’t know! And they couldn’t have imagined what would happen next!

This suddenly is one of the most well known and preached about in our churches. What we don’t hear so much is that it was not just the disciples and close friends of Jesus who experienced this amazing world changing day, but the whole town! Everyone heard what was being said in their own language (v8)! A list of different nationalities is given in verses 9-11.

The disciples then all stood together while Peter explained to the crowd what had happened.

That was a “suddenly” day that changed thousands of lives. And consequently thousands of others as these people returned to their home countries and shared what they had experienced.


Read Acts 2 today and imagine the situation. It was the biggest and most effective impromptu evangelistic meeting ever held, and three thousand people became believers that day!

Speaking in tongues is one of the controversial subjects in our modern churches, used powerfully by thousands, but still opposed by some who say the gift died with the apostles.

Pray for churches to teach the truth today.

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