This post is Day 7 in a series of studies about “Joy”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Joy – Day 7

Acts 5:14

More and more men and women believed in The Lord and were added to their number.

The Thought

How many pastors and priests today would love to be able to say this about their own congregation? What joy we have when we hear of more and more people coming to believe in Jesus. Joy of kingdom growth is a great thing to experience.

After the intense time in isolation, followed by the first pentecostal visit of Holy Spirit (Acts 2) the apostles and early believers were seeing great changes happen to people around them. The worldwide church had begun without any planning meetings or discussions. God was on the move and it was a joy to be part of.

This chapter begins with the sad story of Ananias and Sapphira, but following their deaths, the disciples performed great miracles. People from villages all around brought their sick to lie in the streets so that Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by (Verse 15).

Verse 16 finishes with the encouraging words all of them were healed.

What a joyful time that must have been for everyone; the sick who were healed, their families and friends, and the disciples too.

Sadly the Sadducees were jealous of all that was happening and arrested the apostles and put them in jail! But the Sadducees didn’t have the last word. The following verse tells us that an angel set the apostles free in the middle of the night!! Hallelujah!


Read Acts 5:1-16 today and encourage yourself that what God has done in the past He can do in our day. In fact there are rumours from around the world that God is breaking into the church and the church is breaking out of the building.

Praise God for the exciting times He is preparing for His people and thank Him for the joy when one sinner repents.

Pray again for those you know who are not yet believers.

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