This post is Day 18 in a series of studies about “Doors & Gates”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.
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Doors & Gates – Day 18
Locked doors are no hindrance to the Spirit or for the angels. Many of us have known locked doors in some situation or other, a relationship, a job application, a financial need. And many of us have seen the Lord move miraculously in those situations in answer to our prayers.
Acts 5:23
We found the jail securely locked, with the guards standing at the doors; but when we opened them, we found no one inside.
The Thought
We don’t know which apostles this story is about, only Peter is named. But in verses 17-18 of this chapter we read that they were arrested and put in jail because the Sadducees had become jealous of the attention they were getting! People were listening to the apostles new teachings and the teachers of the old ways didn’t like that. Jealousy can be extreme sometimes!
There is no report of the apostles having chains fall off as on other occasions. But in verse 12 they were put in jail and the very next verse they were let out!! And the amazing thing is that the doors remained locked!! That’s what the astonished guards said to the High priest and His gathering of the Sanhedrin when they sent for the prisoners.
Locked doors are no hindrance to the Spirit of God or for the angels. It is good to remember that sometimes when we feel that our way is blocked whether physically, emotionally or spiritually.
Many of us have known “locked doors” in some situation or other, a relationship, a job application, a financial need, and many of us have seen the Lord move miraculously in those situations in answer to our prayers.
Pray for anyone you know who has need of a miracle today, ask the Lord whether you should send them this Bible story as an encouragement.
Ask Jesus to reveal to you any situation in your life that needs angelic help to move things along. Praise God that He knows our situations better than we do ourselves.
Ask Him to show you if there are lessons to learn through any difficult situations you might be going through at the moment.