This post is Day 26 in a series of studies about “Creation”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Creation – Day 26

Genesis 1:28

God blessed them…

The Thought

People were the second of God’s creation that He blessed. God had obviously enjoyed and been satisfied with all He had made. We know this because we read after each creation day, “God saw that it was good”. But, with both the animal kingdom and mankind, He did much more than just say “it was good”. He BLESSED them.

To bless another person means to approve of them, to wish them good things. And in a Biblical sense it means to pray that they achieve God’s plans for their life.

As God sent Adam and Eve out to care for His garden, which was full of rich food for them, He was wanting them to succeed, be happy, and reproduce. He still wants the same for you and me today.

God knew from the start that Adam and Eve would not be perfect for too long. But He still blessed them. He does the same for us all.

In Jewish tradition, this blessing still continues when at the age of thirteen, boys have a special “Bar Mitzvah” ceremony in the synagogue, usually followed by a celebration with family and friends. It represents the sons reaching adulthood and becoming responsible for their own choices in life.

During the covid crisis of the last 2 years, “The Blessing” in song has been played and forwarded in many different languages, and has been a pleasure to listen to. These words come from Numbers 6:24-26, and were given by the Lord direct to Moses as the words to be used for a blessing.


Think of the people you would like to bless (to make happy) and pray these words from the book of Numbers for them today.

The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;

The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.

Thank God today for the way He has blessed you throughout your life. Ask Him also to continue to protect and bless you, helping you to face whatever problems you may meet in the future.

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