This post is Day 25 in a series of studies about “Creation”. I strongly suggest you begin with the introduction to this study, please click here to read it.

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Creation – Day 25

Genesis 2:8

Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there He put the man He had formed.

The Thought

Adam and Eve walked in the garden in the light of the Lord, and had constant fellowship with Him. That fellowship was broken when they ate the forbidden fruit, Genesis 3:6-7. Think about that story for a moment. The first people God created walked and talked with their heavenly Father. They were naked, but didn’t know they were naked!

God told them if they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil they would die. Genesis 2:17.

Eve was tempted by satan, then she tempted Adam. So they both ate the fruit.

If you know the story, you will have realised that they didn’t actually die! They just knew they were naked, and they became afraid. So what did God mean when He told them they would die? Something in them did die that day, because they were able to see what they hadn’t seen before.

My suggestion here is that the Spirit of God left them. You may know some christians who radiate the love of the Lord, people who don’t look their age, and have more energy than most, people who “glow” with the Spirit. That’s just a tiny glimpse of what the first couple on earth looked like. But I believe their “glow” was so strong that they didn’t really see each other, they just saw the Spirit of God surrounding them.

Sin caused the problem, but Praise God that Jesus came to restore us to how we were meant to be. People walking the earth reflecting God’s glory and living by His Spirit.


Read chapters 2 & 3 of Genesis, and be thankful for all God created, and thankful too for Jesus who reversed the curse when He took away sin at the cross.

Ask yourself if you “glow with His spirit”.

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