Christmas – Day 17

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Christmas – Day 17

Luke 2:8-10

Shepherds were in the fields near Bethlehem. They were taking turns watching their flock during the night. An angel from the Lord suddenly appeared to them. The glory of the Lord filled the area with light, and they were terrified. The angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid! I have good news for you, a message that will fill everyone with joy”.

The Thought

Here we have another angelic appearance spreading the word of the virgin birth. Do you ever wonder why God revealed the birth of His Son to the people He chose? So far as we know, the shepherds were the first to learn about the birth. Why shepherds? Was that a sign that Jesus would often be known as the Good Shepherd? He refers to Himself as such in John 10:11 when He says that He will lay down His life for His sheep.

Naturally, these shepherds on that hillside near Bethlehem would be very scared. The angel didn’t just appear as an individual person as others had done, but as he arrived, the shepherds were surrounded by the glory of The Lord, and later by a whole host of angels!! What an amazing scene that must have been!

The news that the angel brought was to bring great joy to ALL people. That really is GOOD news!


If Jesus was to reveal Himself today to people around you who would He go to first? The mayor of the town? The leaders of your country? The street cleaners? The farmers?

Pray today for the people you know who haven’t heard, or haven’t taken to heart this good news. Pray for those who are searching the Bible for the truth.

Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to those who follow other religions, that they may recognise the truth of Jesus in this Christmas season. Pray for safety for those who risk their lives in turning to Jesus. Many are imprisoned today because they have spoken out for Him.

Ask yourself how you would cope in that situation.

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