Category: Living Sacrifice
A month of studies from Romans 12
A month of studies from Romans 12
Paul was speaking from personal experience as one who had persecuted others and had also been persecuted. He knew both sides of that fence, and had eventually recognised that the only thing to do in the end is do what Jesus said, recorded for us in two of the gospels.
Sharing with other Christians is not what many consider being a Living Sacrifice. We do not see their needs. We see them at church meetings, maybe have conversations, all seems well. Have we ever really had deep personal conversations with them? Have we ever asked if they have any needs?
Do we really understand that prayer is simple conversation with Father God? We can talk to Him as we would a loving earthly parent. We do not have to have a particular stance or attitude. He is longing to be in conversation with us, to provide for our every need.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. This does not mean that life is a fun ride until we graduate to Heaven. There are times in our christian walk when we hope for things that never arrive, there is affliction, but in all situations we can to pray.
Many of us are not called to be street corner evangelists letting the whole world hear of our spiritual fervour, but we are all called to be good witnesses to those around us. We do that in the way we react. What we notice in others reveals our caring natures.
Sadly the church has not excelled in being a loving family and many divisions have occurred through the centuries because of a lack of love and forgiveness. Far too many people have been hurt because the church has developed according to plans of man and not those of Father God.
Love must be sincere. That phrase seems obvious; it would not be love if it was not sincere. Would it? By definition love must be real! It is almost too easy to tell somebody we love them, without really considering what that means. Often we use that expression without thinking.
The separation between leading and showing mercy is not telling us that leaders can not be merciful or that people who show mercy can not be leaders! Paul, here, is merely going through these ideas to say that whatever we are called to do we must do it for God.
If giving, then give generously. Luke 6:38 tells us to give and we will receive, finishing the verse with this thought-provoking expression. With the measure you give, it will be measured back to you. If we use a teaspoon to give, we cannot expect a truck-load in return!
Everyone likes an encourager. Those who encourage us make us feel good when we have done the right thing, and they make us feel as though we are not a total failure when we have done the wrong thing! If I need encouragement I often pray, then open my Bible.