These first verses at the beginning of our study give us the feeling that David was watching other believers, and how they lived their lives. He came to the conclusion that those who follow the laws of God are blessed, and those who do not are not!
Looking seriously at nature or closely watching the animal kingdom has persuaded thousands of people that there must be a God; or at least a superior being who guides and inspires the animals and even insects to do the best thing in any situation.
For many of us this verse could bring up memories of people we have known in the past. Those who did not like others because they were better behaved or more intelligent than they were, and sometimes because of the lifestyle choices they had made.
This one is a challenge for many of us! We all think that we are doing the right thing and have made the best decisions, at least at the moment we make those decisions! Sometimes we regret that later and wish that we had asked for council or advice!
We can imagine that Solomon did not write the whole 31 chapters in one go! It seems more likely that he kept a note book and wrote inspired words and phrases as he grew in wisdom. Is that not what many of us do too?
The writer knows nobody ever has complete wisdom, there is always something else to learn. With Christianity too, there is always more to learn, a new challenge to respond to. God always has something new to teach us, a new truth about Himself, or a new revelation about our world.
We have come to the end of Proverbs 8 which is totally dedicated to Wisdom, but there are many more verses speaking of this subject throughout this very helpful book. We see here that right from the start the aim of the book was to help us be wise.
Most of us know that in our innermost beings, and we try to make the wisest decisions in all circumstances. We hope and pray that our children will be wise in the decisions they make in this ever-changing world. Logical reasoning shows us that unwise decisions can have disastrous circumstances.
One thing that seems important to me in these verses today is the encouragement to seek Wisdom every day! How many of us make our own personal plans for each day, without really asking God what He wants us to do, outside the things we are obliged to do?
Wisdom is still speaking and giving advice to her children. Like most successful parents she thinks that her advice should be followed, and it should! Many of us have been parented in the faith by people outside our own families, and those people would call us their children!