These women must have been extremely upset as they stood watching the terrible scenario unfolding before them, feeling useless. They were not near enough to hear the conversation Jesus had with the thief on the cross. If those women had heard that conversation, they would have been happy for Jesus.
The two Marys who were sitting by the empty tomb that day must have been pondering all these things. They had been with Jesus for many months, and had much to think about. They would remember all they had witnessed, and must have wondered why Jesus had not saved Himself.
Some say it was obvious Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. But that is not in the Bible. Some films have shown her as a mad woman foaming at the mouth. The Bible is not clear about the actual problem. What is clear is that Jesus did great things for her.
What an exciting gathering! They had all witnessed the resurrection thinking Jesus would be with them for at least the foreseeable future. But then they had witnessed one of the greatest miracles ever seen. Jesus had just left the solid ground of the earth and gone upwards, home to Heaven!
These women must have been a real blessing to Jesus who never seemed to have time for very essential earthly things such as doing laundry, cleaning and cooking. But their proximity to Jesus must have been a life changing experience for them as they heard and listened to His teachings.
Right up to the moment of His death, Jesus was caring for others. And He left clear instructions that Mary His mother was to go and live in the household of John. There is no reason given for this. And no mention is made of what had happened to Joseph.
Another well known part of this story tells us that as a pregnant woman she accompanied her future husband to Bethlehem. The Bible gives us no record of them ever having an official marriage. But it does tell us that Joseph was in the lineage of King David. As prophesied.
These two women, Elizabeth and Mary, were both carrying miracle babies. One having felt that she would never conceive because she and her husband were too old. The other, much younger, knowing that she had never had intimacy with a man and yet was carrying a baby. A Holy Baby!
Mary was frightened by the presence of this stranger in her room. I wonder if him saying she had found favour with God would make her feel better or worse? The fact she was greatly troubled at his words suggests that she did not jump up and down with excitement.
There are some denominations across the world where it is taught that Mary was a virgin all her life. But the Holy Bible does not give us that option. You can read the Bible from cover to cover and you will not find that written anywhere in the Holy Scriptures!